Standard Operating Procedures for All Dentists


We want you to see and experience why dentists nationwide are buying this book and the five supplementary SOPs books for specialists (orthodontists, endodontists, periodontists, oral surgeons, and pediatric dentists), as well as the SOP marketing counterpart, Standard Marketing Procedures for All Dentists�the DENTAL SOPs LIBRARY.


The reasons for a SOPs book are many, but the most important is that the best organizational tool for the dentist to be able to create, maintain, and perfect the kind of practice that he or she wants is through the use of a Practice Procedures Manual. Marsha Freeman then took that maxim, used the mission statement concept (put in writing the ideal practice you want), and developed a way to make standard operating procedures help make your dream come true, by building the SOP around a desired outcome and a measurement to see if it is living up to the ideal.


Words. Better that you see in example what your colleagues are putting into practice. So Marsha selected 16 segments that every dentist can immediately relate to (see the contents on the next page). We then put those 16 (in fact, all the copy that you see in this book) on a demo disk, like the actual disk(s) that accompany the complete Standard Operating Procedures for All Dentists. It is self-extracting so it will install itself in your computer, so all you need do is pull up the file you wish to view, change it to match the way you want that SOP to read for your office, and print it out! (You�re one page closer to having your own procedures manual!) Incidentally, you can simply remove this demo copy from your hard drive later: see the disk instructions. 


Could it be any easier to create your own manual? The full book contains three opening chapters that walk you through that process�we even have a great 80-minute, seven segment program, a Video Implementation Guide for Dentists, that will further help you, if needed. The rest of that book is full of SOPs, job descriptions, task sheets, forms, charts, and guidelines. And every one of them can be changed with a keystroke. We provide a model book based on some actual, excellent practices that you can easily modify to meet your style and needs�and add to with the unique means you have created.


The front pages tell you of the seven books in the DENTAL SOPs LIBRARY, each with its full Table of Contents. The red and white product flyer and order form in the rear tells how these books, and other D.C.U. products, can be yours in the 2-3 days it takes to ship them.


We are proud of our support service, before the purchase and after. So please call, fax, e-mail, or write us if we can help explain anything we offer. Go to it! Good hunting!


Gordon Burgett 




Standard Operating Procedures for All Dentists is the core book of the DENTAL SOPs LIBRARY.


Chapters One, Two, and Three explain how to create and customize your own dental procedures manual, plus the philosophy supporting that process. In summary, it starts with a Mission Statement�a paragraph, two, or many�that clearly defines how the dentist wants his or her practice to look and act. Then the doctor and staff create a task sheet for every department that lists each task to be done. A SOP (standard operating procedure) is then produced that walks the doer, step-by-step, through the task�s completion. To keep the SOPs fulfilling the Mission Statement, each begins with a �Desired Outcome��what must be done to realize the doctor�s dream�and a �Measurement��how that SOP is evaluated to see that it is fully and properly completed. 


Two elements make this process of creating a procedures manual easier and faster. Chapter Two explains the �SOPs Productivity Pyramid,� which provides a systematic way of moving from the Mission Statement to the finished manual. Another component of the DENTAL SOPs LIBRARY helps coordinate the actions of the doctor and staff. The Video Implementation Guide for Dentists breaks the process into a basic seven steps, to be implemented collectively on a regular basis, such as weekly or monthly, until the manual is completed. (For further information, check


The rest of Standard Operating Procedures for All Dentists provides an actual model procedures man�ual for about 80% of all dentists� in-office activities, whether they are generalists or specialists. To con�form to the Mission Statement, most SOPs will of course have to be modified or adapted. That�s where the accompa�nying diskette is useful. The user calls up the corresponding text on their computer, makes the needed changes, prints the page, and replaces the original page with it in their manual.


Five smaller books are part of the DENTAL SOPs LIBRARY, each with key SOPs related to a dental specialization: oral surgery, endodontics, orthodontics, periodontics, and pediatric dentistry. With accom�panying computer disks, they are modified in the same way, with the new SOPs added as an additional section to the basic manual or the core of a specialty manual.


Since marketing is a critical element of successful dentistry, Standard Marketing Procedures for All Dentists is likewise a valuable module in the larger DENTAL SOPs LIBRARY. It relies upon Standard Operating Procedures for All Dentists to explain how a manual is created and modified, focusing instead on how the doctor and staff can implement their own practice�s internal, referral, and external marketing sys�tems.     


The respective tables of contents of all seven publications follow this page, for two reasons. One, should you wish to augment your DENTAL SOPs LIBRARY, our contact numbers appear below. Two, should you wish to create these documents on your own, the tables of contents will provide a useful guide. (You will note that page numbers are not included. We assume that you will want to put your manual(s) in your own order, thus creating your own page numbers, so we have listed and placed them in a logical order, by chapter, and have given each item or SOP its own filename, for easy recall by computer.)


If we can answer any questions or you wish to augment your DENTAL SOPs LIBRARY, please contact us.   

Call 800-221-3104 or e-mail.

Samples from Standard Operating Procedures for All Dentists
(Contains over 470 pages + software)

Demo Introduction Dept. Task List Staff Meetings
Introduction Table of Contents Treatment
Cover Sample OSHA Chart Preparation
Article Performance Agreement Basic Tray Set Up
Agenda Appointment Scheduling X Rays
Emergency Telephone Slip Extractions Back to Dental SOP